
Love to All

When I was the stream,

When I was the forest,

When I was still the field,

When I was every hoof, foot, fin and wing,

When I was the sky itself,

No one ever asked me did I have a purpose,

No one ever wondered was there anything I might need,

for there was nothing I could not love.
— Meister Eckhart

Goodbye 2020

Although 2020 was a challenge for so many, it turned out to be a beautiful year for me. I was able to heal my relationship with friends and family, process my father's passing, and settle into a new home; I became an even greater fan of Muna, and enjoyed creating each one of your special commissions.

Thank you for making this year so special! I continue to be a jewelry artist because of your support and encouragement. May 2021 bring beauty, love and inspiration to your life!

Little Girl

Message to my younger self:

You can dress however you want

You can play however you want

You can love anyone you want

You can create anything you want

You can fly (it’s called running!)

You are a maker and a dream shaker

Stay full of yourself (no need to shrink to fit in)

Don’t wait for permission to do or be anything!

Follow what sparks you up (you will enjoy it and be good at it!)

If something or someone drains you, thank it and leave it

You are a force of nature, trust yourself.


This is my father, Jorge Musi. He was born in Mexico City from Lebanese parents. For most of his life, he designed and built sculpted houses. One of his last projects is my favorite: his guest house in Santa María del Oro, Nayarit.

He is one of the most equanimous people I know, and he has always valued human connection above all else.

I love you dad!