16 years ago I made my first piece of jewelry. It was a protective hand, or Hamsa, as it is known in the Middle East. I made it to bless and protect my creative path ahead.
I knew that the way of the artist is uncertain: you have to trust invisible ideas long enough to make them tangible.
There are no roadmaps: you must change course, or stay on the same path, in order to continue, and be guided only by intuition.
If you make a living from what you create, you have to create without thinking about selling (or you will stop free exploration), and then somehow sell what you’ve created.
It is a solitary path with few distractions from your inner world, which you must protect from distractions from the outer world.
Without knowing it then, I chose the perfect talisman. The one I made today, is in gratitude for all I’ve learnt along the way.