Planet Earth Ring IV

Of asphodel, that greeny flower,
like a buttercup
upon its branching stem-
save that it’s green and wooden-
I come, my sweet,
to sing to you.
— William Carlos Williams

Planet Earth Ring IV.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver and natural turquoise.
Soon in my online shop.

So Moved!

Many years ago, when I was a hippie, I went with a couple of friends to the main square in Coyoacán. We had no money and were hungry. One friend had a guitar and started to sing, hoping someone would give him a coin. I decided to get paper and pens and make a few drawings. Perhaps they will sell! Soon after, a young woman came by and asked, can you draw Cristopher Columbus? I need it for school. I did, and with the money she paid we ate the best breakfast I have ever had. 

I feel just as excited and grateful from your support during this week’s painting sale. Thank you for encouraging this new creative path! I am moved beyond words to imagine my paintings adorning your home. 

Planet Earth Necklace II

To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. When you are born a lotus flower, be a beautiful lotus flower, don’t try to be a magnolia flower. If you crave acceptance and recognition and try to change yourself to fit what other people want you to be, you will suffer all your life. True happiness and true power lie in understanding yourself, accepting yourself, having confidence in yourself.
— Thich Nhat Hanh

Planet Earth Necklace II.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver and natural turquoise.
Soon in my online shop.

Planet Earth Ring III

I find there is a quality to being alone that is incredibly precious. Life rushes back into the void, richer, more vivid, fuller than before.
— Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Planet Earth Ring III.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver and natural turquoise.
Soon in my online shop.

Atlantic Ocean

The way to create art is to burn and destroy ordinary concepts and to substitute them with new truths that run down from the top of the head and out of the heart.
— Charles Bukowski

I will add this, and other paintings from the Atlas and Velázquez Series to my online shop tomorrow, Tuesday, at 1 pm CST.

Atlantic Ocean (Atlas Series).
Acrylic on paper, 2019.
10.62" by 12.79" (27 cm by 32.5 cm).

Planet Earth Ring II

The only transformer and alchemist that turns everything into gold is love. The only magic against death, aging, ordinary life, is love.
— Anais Nin

Planet Earth Ring II.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver and natural turquoise.
Soon in my online shop.


Creativity - like human life itself - begins in darkness.
— Julia Cameron

Brussels (Atlas Series).
Acrylic on paper, 2019.
10.62" by 12.79" (27 cm by 32.5 cm).

Planet Earth Necklace

Everything here must be loved. Every one of us, and every part of us. When all is integrated by love, we heal.

Planet Earth Necklace.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver and natural turquoise.
Soon in my online shop.

Planet Earth

She would be half a planet away, floating in a turquoise sea, dancing by moonlight to flamenco guitar.
— Janet Fitch

Planet Earth ring.
Handmade with recycled sterling silver and natural turquoise.
Soon in my online shop.

South Pole

I was the snake in the Garden of Eden.

South Pole (Atlas Series).
Acrylic on paper, 2019.
10.62" by 12.79" (27 cm by 32.5 cm).


The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself.
— Wallace Stevens

Antwerp (Atlas Series).
Acrylic on paper, 2019.
10.62" by 12.79" (27 cm by 32.5 cm).

Collective Painting II

The left hemisphere is very interested in language; it communicates in words, it has a past, a present, and a future; it has a time component and it’s all about details. The right hemisphere is more about the right now-right here experience where everything is an enormous collage of all the sensory systems flooding into our brains.
— Jill Bolte Taylor

Collective Painting II.
Acrylic on board, 2018.
39.37” by 55.11” (1 m by 1.40 cm).

Netherlands Antilles

All is the Self or Brahman. The saint, the sinner, the lamb, the tiger, even the murderer, as far as they have any reality, can be nothing else, because there is nothing else.
— Swami Vivekananda

Netherlands Antilles (Atlas Series).
Acrylic on paper, 2019.
10.62" by 12.79" (27 cm by 32.5 cm).

Israel, Jordan

There’s a morning when presence comes over your soul. You sing like a rooster in your earth-colored shape. Your heart hears and, no longer frantic, begins to dance.
— Rumi

Israel, Jordan (Atlas Series).
Acrylic on paper, 2019.
10.62" by 12.79" (27 cm by 32.5 cm).

Script Ring X

If you don’t know where you’re going any road will do
— Lewis Carroll

The Script Ring Series will be available tomorrow, at 1 pm CST, in my online shop.

Script ring X.
Hand forged and chiseled with recycled sterling silver.
Available tomorrow, at 1 pm CST, in my online shop.

This ring is one of a kind. I can cut it to fit any size between 5 and 10.5.
Follow these simple steps to find your measurement.